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Easter Egg Lady Bugs

Having participated in The Great Lady Bug Challenge (more on that below ) not long ago, I’ve had lady bugs on my mind ever since so I decided to see what a Lady Bug Easter Egg would look like. What a fun little project. The shape of an egg lends itself perfectly to a Lady Bug.

I used paint pens, but you could dye the egg or use markers.

I had a bit of an issue with the red paint pen, I felt like Goldie Locks, where only one egg was just right. On the first egg, the paint pen worked great, on the second egg, it kept running every where and on the last egg, it almost ran out.

My daughter and best friend thought they were rocks! No, these are eggs. I normally would have blown the yolk out first and added Mod Podge hard coat sealant to preserve them over time but I have less and less space to keep these kind of things so one was turned into a scrambled egg for my dog Henry a (great to add to diet for shiny fur) and then I whipped up the other two yolks with some olive oil and applied to my hair for 20 minutes to add some shine.

See More Great DIY Easter Projects and Inspirations

30 thoughts on “Easter Egg Lady Bugs”

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  2. Thanks Inese. Yes, we lived in a house once that seemed to be an annual lady bug retreat. My garden was like an all inclusive resort – I do recall back then having a moment in the back yard yelling “These damn Lady Bugs!!!” My hubby refers to it as the lady bug melt down lol I don’t think most people get what a swarm of them can be like


  3. Thank you. Me too! When I was a child we went to the Ukraine on summer and I found a Lady Bug and carried it around for hours – it just stayed on my hand. We went for dinner in this beautiful hotel and my mom realized I had a bug with me and just about had a heart attack on the spot and made me drop it. I was heart broken and terrified someone would step on it. Needless to say – she had a very miserable 9 year old on her hands, I’m pretty sure I ruined the dinner LOL

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